RB2000 Barrier

Code: P101558

Water or ballast fillable heavy duty road barrier. Can be weighted to 400kg when water filled creating a solid flat walled secure system. Interlocking system allows the barriers to flow around corners or uneven surfaces. MIRA Wind Speed Test: 3 x RB2000 Barriers (water filled to fill line) withstood wind speeds of up to 71 mph.

Dimensions 2000mm (L) x 400mm (W)x 1000mm (H)
Weight 32kg

  • Water or ballast fillableheavy duty road barrier

  • Can be weighted to 400kgwhen water filled creatinga solid flat walled securesystem

  • Interlocking system allowsthe barriers to flow aroundcorners or uneven surfaces

  • MIRA Wind Speed Test:3 x RB2000 Barriers (waterfilled to fill line) withstoodwind speeds of up to 71 mph

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