Joinery Protector

Code: P100254

A completely versatile, high impact protection foam. Designed for the protection of newel posts, handrails, spindles, and all sensitive fixtures and fittings. Grips simply by pushing into place. Requires no additional taping or fixing and easily cut to size. Thick foam construction gives excellent impact protection. Easily stored and reusable.

  • A completely versatile,high impact protectionfoam

  • Designed for theprotection of newelposts, handrails,spindles, and allsensitive fixturesand fittings

  • Grips simply bypushing into place

  • Requires no additionaltaping or fixing andeasily cut to size

  • Thick foamconstruction givesexcellent impactprotection
  • Easily stored andreusable
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£5.69 - £10.38
£4.74 - £8.65
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